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Robert Maginnis
V.P, Director Security Cooperation & Business Development
Robert L. Maginnis is an internationally known strategic communications expert working on multinational interoperability projects and security cooperation for the US Army’s G-357 since 2002 and with more than 40 years of national security experience.
He was a member of the team that redesigned and launched the new ABCA Armies’ Program and served as chief logistician for the 2008 US Army-hosted ABCA exercise “Cooperative Spirit” at Hohenfels, Germany. He is author of country road maps and staff project officer for efforts to develop analytic tools to guide Army security cooperation investments. He is the project officer for the rewrite of the new Army Security Cooperation Policy (AR 11-31) and the Army’s Security Cooperation Handbook (DA PAM 11-31).
He is the Director for the US Army’s Security Cooperation Planners’ Course, a primary curriculum designer, instructor and administrator and is a DOD-wide recognized expert on security cooperation education and training. He served with Army international affairs as an Africa desk officer working Africa-related political-military issues with USAFRICOM, US Army Africa, the other services, the Office of Secretary of Defense and African defense attaches