Current Contracts


Army Security Cooperation Program (ASCP) Support, Headquarters Department of the Army (HQDA), G3/5/7

MESMO provides extended and quick turn-around analytic, administrative and technical services in support for all Army security cooperation programs including but are not limited to Policy Review and Analysis , Multinational Force Compatibility (MFC) Office of Record for International Standardization Agreements (ORISA) Support , Administrative Support,  Planning, Programming and Budgeting Support,  ABCA Program Support , Strategic Communications and Public Affairs Support , Analytic Support, Latin American Cooperation (LATAM COOP) Fund Support  and other ASCP Support tasks that fall within the staff oversight of the Army G-3/5/7.

ASCP Communities of Interest: Any organization or agency with responsibility for activities involving cooperative and partnership relationships with other nations: Department of Defense, Headquarter of the Army, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Security Forces Analytical Support Services, Air National Guard Security Forces Division

MESMO provides on-site Security Forces Analytical Support Services to support the NGB/A4S staff in facilitating the continued management of Department of Defense (DoD) and Dept.  of the Air (DAF) specific programs and systems.

ANG Communities of Interest: DoD, U.S Congress, DoI, DHS, DoS, FEMA, the US 54 States and Territories; Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).


SAIC Prime Contract Title/number: Conducting Research and Analytical Support for the Army Staff for Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) within the Three Pillars of Nonproliferation, Counter-proliferation, and Consequence Management / W91CRB-16-C-0009

Subcontract Reference Number: SAIC PO10216405. Under SAIC (Prime) subcontract, MESMO provides resource management lead and Nonproliferation support for DAMO – SSD and ASA (IE&E).
PoP: 01/29/2017 – 01/28/2021




National Guard Bureau (NGB) Strategic Planning Analysis Services Contract #: HQ0423-15-P-0010.

MESMO provides strategic planning analysis services in support of the NGB-J55/Plans Division. MESMO’s support covers the following areas:  (POP): 03/01/2015 – 02/28/2016.
NGB Communities of Interest:  U.S Congress, DoD, DHS, DoS, FEMA, the US 54 States and Territories; Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).

Army Security Cooperation Program (ASCP) Support, Headquarters Department of the Army (HQDA), G3/5/7 Contract # W91WAW12C0011

MESMO provides extended and quick turn-around analytic, administrative and technical services in support for all Army security cooperation programs including but are not limited to Policy Review and Analysis , Multinational Force Compatibility (MFC) Office of Record for International Standardization Agreements (ORISA) Support , Administrative Support,  Planning, Programming and Budgeting Support,  ABCA Program Support , Strategic Communications and Public Affairs Support , Analytic Support, Latin American Cooperation (LATAM COOP) Fund Support  and other ASCP Support tasks that fall within the staff oversight of the Army G-3/5/7.  POP: 3/1/2012 – 2/28/2015.

ASCP Communities of Interest: Any organization or agency with responsibility for activities involving cooperative and partnership relationships with other nations: DoD, US Army, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).


SAIC Prime Contract Title/Number: US Army HQs CWMD Research and Analytical Support Policy Division (DAMO-SSD) / W91WAW-12-C-0085. 

Subcontract Reference Number: SAIC P010127888. MESMO provides Research and Analytical Support for HQDA, Deputy Chief of Staff, Army G-3/5/7, Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) and Proliferation.  Specifically,  MESMO provides CWMD policy analysis; Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution support as well as non-proliferation, counter proliferation, and consequence management studies and analysis and other deliverables deemed necessary by SAIC/ HQDA ODCS G-3/5/7, DAMO-SSDPOP: 10/1/2012 – 3/28/15.

CWMD Communities of Interest: DoD, US Army, DoS, and the Intelligence community at large

VRC Prime Contract Title/Number: Strategic Planning W9133L-11-C-0068

Subcontract Reference Number:  VRC 2012-001M. MESMO provides research, analytical and coordination support to the development and promulgation of National Guard Bureau (NGB) plans, policies, interagency, and intergovernmental activities. POP: 10/01/2010 – 9/30/2012.
Strategic Planning Communities of Interest: National Guard Bureau, the ARNG and ANG of the US 54 States and Territories.