Background and History

Olajide Ijadare, an immigrant from Nigeria, in 2008 launched MESMO (Multi-Ethnic Shopping Mall Online) Inc. after 23 years of honorable U.S. Army service in order to release his entrepreneurial spirit to realize the American dream.  That self-starting spirit became a reality when MESMO Inc. became operational in 2008 blending Olajide’s expertise in national security and foreign affairs policy thanks to the U.S. Army, his personal drive, interest in information and electronic commerce.

Quickly Olajide found a unique niche for recruiting and employing linguists for U.S. Government agencies.  He used his knowledge of U.S. Government operational requirements, his appreciation for America’s immigrant population, and his online shopping mall idea to engage, develop and recruit people with language skills.  This niche formed the base expertise from which MESMO Inc. provided expert linguists to the U.S. Government agencies.

Soon Olajide expanded his efforts into other albeit related areas.  Specifically, he developed cultural analysis skills as part of his language services and then tapping his U.S. Army experience, he saw the opportunity to provide management, logistics, budgeting, and associated administrative-management services to a cross section of U.S. Government agencies.