MESMO Inc. produces a wide range of translated products for every technology, platform, and desktop publishing environment.
User's manuals
Four-color brochures
Print ads
...various other materials
Translation Process
MESMO Inc. workflow for documentation projects may vary from project to project. A workflow for a basic translation project is provided below.
1. Project analysis (review of requirements, format, languages, deadlines, pricing, quoting, documentation and scheduling)
2.Review with client (review with client of items outlined above, with final approval of quote and schedule and reporting phases)
3. Basic file prep (review and preparation of files for translation, extraction of text, preparation of translation memories, conversion of images, etc.)
4.Team briefing (resource meeting with all production team members to review commitments approved by team during project analysis phase, internal scheduling and review of resources)
5.Glossary/TM prep (compilation of project glossary; review of previous translations, client reference materials, standard glossaries, etc.; development of style sheets and procedures for use of translation memories (Trados technology)
6.Translation (translation of text by professional native-speaker translator in accordance with Quality Assurance Program)
7.Review (review of text by professional bilingual reviewer in accordance with Quality Assurance Program)
8.Language QA (secondary review for completeness, numbers, formatting, conversions, consistency, etc., in accordance with Quality Assurance Program)
9.DTP/Formatting (layout of final text in appropriate format)
10.Post-graphics edit (review of layout by native speaker to assure that no problems, errors or omissions have been introduced during layout).